
Busy Girl

I have been one busy seniorita, this week and last. I now have a total of four callings in our ward and stake, try not to be jealous. My sister tells me that is why she doesn't live in a rural area! I am starting to agree with her. I had to go to a meeting tonight and miss the Watterson family dinner and now I am sitting in this quiet house alone. I should be stoked, but I am just lonely and avoiding the dishes :). I called Rob, to make sure they weren't having fun without me, and he laughed in the backround just to rub it in! (He learned that from my sisters and mother, evil women that they are.) I was able to speak in Sacrament meeting today, with the rest of the YW presidency, and was "lucky" enough to have the topic of Virtue.(The new value) What do you say to the adults? DO NOT CHEAT ON YOUR SPOUSE! I thought of yelling DON'T FORNICATE! into the microphone and then sitting down. I thought it was genius, but Rob didn't think that would have gone over, so I spoke instead! I actually loved the topic, I learned a lot. It makes me thankful for my own choices as a wife and a woman. Well, I have to get up at 5:00, Goodnight All! I will come up with something excessively creative to post, later...


Nicalee said...

Kris, I totally disagree with Rob, the "Don't Fornicate!" thing would have totally stuck in people's memories. I will call you promptly tomorrow and hear all about your talk and your many callings...incidentally, four callings is not the only reason I don't live in a rural area! I really, really, really love the inversion down here, never forget!!

Anonymous said...

Lahvoo. Missoo. Forget the dishes!

The Bundy Family said...

That is awesome about the fornicate comment. Sometimes one word sums it up very easily. I cannot believe that you have that many callings. I guess that is what you get for living in a small town. I think it is just because you must be so awesome of a person! They keep adding things to the YW theme. I too am in YW. It is a good calling, but sometimes difficult trying to reach the girls in a way that they don't say, well I have heard that a hundred times from my parents. Creativity in the lessons...sometimes lead to pain!

Chris said...

I would have gone with the fornicate shout as well! I meant to follow up with you long ago to see if you're fully recovered from the car accident, I hope you are, sorry to be late but things were a little crazy lately. Hope all is well!

Steph said...

Yikes! Four callings?! Well, I can't say I'm that surprised.... When you excel in one calling, and then two, and then three, it's just a matter of time before they add another. Good luck with everything! Sure are missin ya...