
It's a Sad Day in the Watterson House

These, sadly, are gone...
And that makes Brody feel like this...(I swear, I said Brody! Look Sad! And this is what he came up with!)


Draper Temple...Finally!

The kids and I went to the Draper Temple open house, it was so fun! This is us on the bus that takes you up to the temple...the picture I took with my camera was of my eye...so close up. So this is a picture from my cell phone :).

I went with my good friend Amber and her kids. It was nice to go in the middle of the day, it was soooo much easier!

Taking my kids thru the temple was one of the most special experiences I have had with them, as a group. The girls thought the bride's room was so beautiful and I loved the seperate rooms for the endowment session. The artwork was so amazing it made your eyes hurt. I leaned down and asked Gracie how she felt, as we walked thru the Celestial Room, and she quietly told me that she felt like she wanted to live there. It was so touching to know that even an open temple is so special that a seven year old can distinctly feel the peace that the Holy Ghost brings. I love the temple! It is truly Heaven on Earth.


Down and Out...

So, I am sorry, but I have been super sick and my computer has a virus! I am having a devil of a time fixing it and am typing this on my mother in laws computer....so, I will post as soon as I can. So much good stuff has happened, I took my kids to the Draper Temple open house and it was really special...and, I went out to see my buddy Steph...good stuff like that, so I will in fact have lots of good stuff to blog about soon :). Don't give up on me baby!


Happy Love Day!

Daddy's Valentines...

Mommy's Valentines...
Happy Valentine's Day!


My Fun Day :)

Gracie's hook had been so Lonely this week, but today it was thrilled to accept her fabulous pink, animal print coat and backpack today! Mommy was, ashamedly, happy to have her back to school too! Gracie was so happy to be with all of her buddies again!

So, I was able to go shopping with my Mom and Nic, with the two other gremlins in tow. (In my, I'm so glad I totaled the old car, new car!) We had hotdogs and pizza at Costco and then went to Target (my fav that I never get to go to) and Micheals to get tempura paint. Seriously, slap yourself you are falling asleep with this lengthy explanation of my normalness.

And, finally, Avery wears darker lipstick than I have the guts to wear! Is she a serial killer in training? Possibly. But, will she be hot doing her dastardly deeds? Definitely.


From one to the next...

We are ill with a little Streptococcal Bacteria and medicating with the wonder of modern medicine! Gracie is so easy to have sick, she doesn't even complain very much and she retains her sense of humor...as illustrated by the M & M's over the eyes picture!

We have also added some new things in our house. Our new family picture, taken the day after Christmas.

Our wall of familial glory :)

Rob also added another dead animal to our wall, yeah! It's the one without skin. It's called a European Mount, seriously. It is really pretty, but a little creepy.

On an even more morbid note, I did find this in Avery's closet...should I be worried? Maybe just if I find a dead cat under the bed...