
Tagged by Deb

I was tagged by fabulous Debra, and since I seemingly can not get my stinkin Christmas pictures on this stinkin blog, I was happy to have something to write...besides the whining that I really want to do about my ribs and all that they entail, of course!
The tag is 10 things I'm Grateful for... (in no particular order)

1. My Ward, People in my Community. I have been blessed with phone calls or visits of concern, dinners, cookies, and so much more...the people here are amazing and I love them!

2. My friends, they've sent flowers, called, texted, brought me movies and books. I am so thankful for good friends. The friends I have are such quality, good people...love them, love them.

3. My Faith. I love living in this time with the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and having been raised in a family that strives to live it. I love having a husband that loves it as much as I do and we are raising our own family and trying our best too. With that, his priesthood and use of it has also been such a comfort and blessing in my life.

4. My Spouse, I know all women love their husbands, but no one loves their husband more than I love Rob! I've gone over all the reasons before,

5. Gracie, she is sunshine in my life and my little, older than her years, buddy. Avery, being with her is so calming and simple. She is my affectionate love muffin. Brody is my joy, that boy makes me happy just to look at him.

6. My home. I love where we live and feel so blessed to be here. I love tucking my kids in at night and looking at this beautiful home that we worked to hard to build. I am thankful that my Mom and Dad in law let us live with them and continue to be great neighbors that we love.

7. My sisters. I wasn't always as close with them, and I think those years were wasted in seeking friends that would love me the way my sisters do. We may bicker, bad talk eachother occasionally, but we would never give up on eachother for anything. It is the most selfless love, next to marital, that I have found with other humans!

8. Talented People. I am so thankful for people with talent that share it with me...be it musical, or spiritual, or teaching, or listening, or compassion, or dance, or loving, or humor...I love it all. It builds my testimony, enriches my soul and makes life lovely.

9. My talents. They are not flashy, but I am thankful for them. They are more useful than I give them credit for.

10. Pictures and Written Word. I am so thankful to not only experience life, but to be able to reflect back on my life and what others have taught me. Being able to learn from the past, because I can see it or read it is a gift.

I tag, and you better do it!...
Charity, Jen L., Steph, and Lisa N.


Anonymous said...

You're such a good little writer. I only love you with certain conditions, though. Sorry. That's just how it is. Kidding!

Steph said...

FINE! You've broken me. I will give in to the enormous peer pressure and do a tag.

Nicalee said...

I refuse to feel sister peer pressure to do this grateful thing...no I won't do it!!

Heidi said...

You are so darling - I loved the post about your cute hubby! What fun pic's! Hope you are feeling a little better!