
It seems like just five weeks ago!

I have been a very bad blogger and all who read this have my sincere apologies! I am feeling much better with the three weeks under my belt! With the passage of time comes much needed updating...Back to Christmas!
Gracie's program was on Dec. 18th (My fab Mom's B-day, incidentally). I did go and take pictures, but they were blurry...she was a little dutch girl in a cute production and did a stand up job of it!
Avery's program was in the Coalville Senior Center, they sang, they danced, they passed out candy bars, we took pictures, we laughed and above all had complete adoration for our little princess! She is suuuuucccccch a girly girl!
Brody didn't do a program, but is fabulous anyway!


Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeee! I'm being attacked by cuteness! And I surrender willingly.

Nicalee said...

Wow, what a cute little hairstyle on Avery, you are such a good mom Krissy

Steph said...

I'm so glad you found your camera, or your cord, or whatever it was that was keeping pictures from your blog. Such cute kids! When can we come play?