
Christmas Morning...2008

Thank you Santa for my Ironman Hoodie, I absolutely refuse to take it off. Mommy has to sneak it out for washing, when I am asleep. Good Job Santa Man!

I have loved having many more toys in my room so that I can further isolate myself from all mankind to talk to my toys and stuffed animals! (As I type this I am crying and wondering if therapy is in the future...)

Getting just what I asked for (an ipod shuffle) was the best, especially in my favorite color green!

Our Christmas Jammies were extra comfy, this year!
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and have had a Happy New Year, so far! I know it's late, but hey we had a lot going on! Love, The Watterson Family :)


Anonymous said...

Avery's expression in her individual picture is soooo her. I love it. I also love your door.

Nicalee said...

Oh my gosh, your kids are cuter than any other kids on the planet (except mine, well, really they are the same cuteness as mine) love you!

Steph said...

Merry Christmas! I hate that Christmas is over. How many more days until Christmas....?