
Going Private...

I'm giving in to the anxiety of my mother and husband, Thank you channel five news. I'm going private...Anyone that would still like to see my blog please post your email address or email it to me at kmwatterson@gmail.com!


stephschmidt said...

I'm so glad we figured out our email issues (remember when we couldn't ever get emails to each other?!) schmidt.stephl@gmail.com. Can't wait to see you next week!

Jill C said...

Here is my email... rjchristensen@comcast.net
Ryan is begging me to go private too...especially after the news story. So I just might be doing the same thing.

Sarah said...

I'm sure I'll be joining the ranks of privacy shortly too. My email is sarahandkids@hotmail.com. I better get an invite:)

Shelf said...

Hi you may not recognize my posting name, it is shelf. Our family is Corey and Rachelle Bruse. We wen't to school with Rob. We found your blog from Pearson's. We love checking in and seeing what you are up to. We would love to get an invite so that we can stay in touch. My email is: shelf20@gmail.com

Laura said...

I totally still wanna stalk you guys. lolahurstturner@gmail.com

The Bundy Family said...

okay so I know I don't live there, but I would still like to keep in touch through our blogs. Send me an invite at bundylm@msn.com. What do you mean about thanks to channel 5? let me in on the scoop.
Lisa Bundy (Sundloff)

BS and the Kids said...

sarahpnelson@gmail.com. I obviously missed the channel news 5thing, what did it say, do I need to go private? People thought I was weird for not putting my kids names on the blog, maybe not so much anymore.

amanda said...

You are giving in to this crazy world eh? My email is ajhatch@mac.com

Chris said...

Hey Kristine, glad I found your blog before you went private, send me an invite to chrisdulrich@gmail.com

Thanks! And yes, Stace told me she did get her "chandelier" earrings at the Buckle!

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

make sure I'm on the list.