

So, I loved the movie Juno and last night at the Brundage Christmas party I did my best imitation of the stinkeye! Did I nail it? (Truthfully, I think it looks like a lame wink...but, I tried my best! An Actress I'm not!)


Hello, my friend, Hello

My husband lovingly informed me that I have been "slacking" on our blog! I had to laugh! (This from a man who used to think that blogs were lame!) I'm not sure why I haven't made the time, but here is an update on our family's activities...

We have been chopping a lot of wood for the winter...(We try to heat our house with a wood burning stove, most of the time...except when Robster Lobster breaks the glass and we have to wait for two weeks for the new glass to come in and waste our natural resources by using our radiant heating...requires gas.) Really, we are not green freaks, but we do drive a suburu, so I feel the need to keep up appearances!

Then we haul that wood with the four wheeler, over to our house...which, incidentally, requires mud boots and a sword for bubba!

We met our new cousin Claire, who is perfect in every way.
She also graced us with her mommy's presence, my fab sister Debra!

We've been very naughty and gotten in trouble...

We have celebrated the holiday at school...(Bubba's best bud, Ian)

We've played a little webkinz with Daddy...

We have done a lot of driving to holiday functions and family gatherings...

We've been hot, well just Rob really!

Most of all we have been thankful for what matters most to us. Happy Thanksgiving! Bring on Christmas, woo hoo!!!


Cat and Mouse!

Let me preface this with my feelings about cats. I hate cats. It is a fact of life, in this place I live, that if you don't have a cat...you will have mice. You could rely on the 50,000 feral cats that populate the area, but my distaste for mice is stronger than my hatred of cats. And, in truth, she was free at the dairy and I decided to throw caution to the wind and bring home a cute little kitten. (all the while hoping, foolishly, that she would not turn into a cat.) We have been unusually blessed in the choice of this cat because, she thinks she is a dog. I love dogs! She is an outside cat, but when she is inside, she comes when you call and follows you around (not always my favorite). She doesn't scratch my kids when they man handle her, which is hourly at times. She likes eating, sleeping, and relieving herself outdoors...heaven for me and my husband, the jermafobe. Cats are people, too!


Going Private...

I'm giving in to the anxiety of my mother and husband, Thank you channel five news. I'm going private...Anyone that would still like to see my blog please post your email address or email it to me at kmwatterson@gmail.com!


Halloween 2008

Brody and his friend Ian were not, I repeat NOT getting along at the trunk or treat!
Our family at our Ward Trunk or Treat, Wanship Park Oct. 31st, 2008. They served chili dogs and donuts to go with our candy!
My favorite costume there!
I'm all ready to save some damsels in distress, Mom!
Avery went as herself, Gracie as a Vampire with no teeth or make up (she wouldn't let me put them on, what is the point I ask you?) And Brody was Iceman, Batman, and sometimes Spiderman. We just used old costumes this year and it worked out great. We saved money and the kids still had fun, it was a win win.
Gracie in her classroom before her Halloween Parade, my Mom came up and watched Bubba and Avis while I walked with Grace. Hallelujah! It was fun.
Such an angelic smile on a devil!
Literally the only picture without her eyes closed!