
Some Catch Up to Do...

I have to confess, I am not very good at blogging. I just don't make the time to update like I should, but since this is such a good journal of our family life I will make more effort! This is some catch up on the last month. First, we went to the Summit County Fair Rodeo and let the kids participate in the little bukaroo (is that how you spell it?) rodeo. They were able to chase sheep with ribbons for prizes and try to milk a sheep for prizes, they had a lot of fun. We also entered some of our chickens into the poultry contest and all of the kids won a first and second place ribbon, and eight dollars! They love the money part, of course. Especially Gracie. And yes, my son is in a slightly pink, white trash, batman tank top. (I put it in the washer with something red, so me.) The kids had a lot of fun, it is a good tradition for us.

Then the girls had a fun slumber party with Madi and Jess (Rob's sis and their cousin). We painted their nails and had a movie night.

Then it was back to school...Gracie is off to 1st grade! Crazy. Avis is in her last year of pre-school and Bubba is in his first year of pre-school. They go to the same school, one in the morning and in the afternoon. It is fun for them and they absolutely love it so far. You can tell Bubs feels like such a big man. Well, that is the update for now, I need to put a picture of Gracie on here, but I forgot to take one...she gets on the bus really early, so my brain is not awake yet!


Nicalee said...

THat's it, I need a picture of Gracie on her first day! just kidding. You are such a good mom, Kris. I wish everyone took care of their kids like you. Lahvoo

stephschmidt said...

Such cute pictures! I'm glad they were so excited for school! Are they still liking it? :)

Kristine Watterson said...

Yes, they are lovin' it...Grace loves her teacher and Avery always loves anything and Brody loves, loves being a big boy! How about Dallin? Still liking it?