
Remember When...

The day she was born, such fun to have our own little human to love!

She always had that tongue out, so classic Gracie...

She was such a happy baby and so sweet, smelled so good...such a lovebug. We love you, Gracie. Being a mother was so much more difficult than I anticipated, but looking back I wouldn't have it any other way. You are worth it, every bit of time is so priceless to me now. I watch you come in from school and walk right back out the door to play, and I am so thankful for every moment I held you and loved you as a baby. Being a mother, to you, is the best thing I have ever done. I love you, here's to another fun filled year, my little firecracker!!


stephschmidt said...

So sweet! I cannot believe Gracie is 7! I still remember so clearly when she was born; seems like, well, not quite yesterday, but definitely not 7 yrs ago! Today was the best, Kris! Thanks for everything - I sure do love ya!

Jill C said...

I can't believe how big your kids are. Gracie is a doll. I can't believe that it has been 7 years since she and Logan were born. Time flies.

Stewart Family said...

Seven!! I love that little pic of her. You are such an amazing mother and wife. You never cease to amaze me. I miss you guts!! PS Love your haircut

Laura said...

Gracie is so beautiful! You are in trouble.

Nicalee said...

your post made me cry! time goes too fast. sure love you Gracie