
Oooeee BABY!!

My beautiful sister, Debra, has had a beautiful baby...Claire. She is a sweet little wibjit, and I love her, a lot. Being a mother to a newborn is difficult and Deb is doing great! Nic and I went out to visit Deb and officially introduce ourselves to fabulous, ladylike, and lovely Claire. It was so nice to have good sister time, which is so priceless to me, and to eat very good food. (Which is obviously very priceless to me, as well.) Vacations are all about the food, and this one was no sloucher. It is too bad I live so far from EVERYTHING, I might eat better...but, then again maybe that is a really good thing! We went to see Tyler's office on campus and took a little tour, that was really our biggest outing...besides the fabulous resturants! Claire seemed to love the motion, such a mover and a shaker that girl. It is so amazing how a newborn baby makes you feel, I just love how they smell...that I do miss. I am excited for Deb, getting to enjoy seeing her personality come out and hear her funny little comments when she starts talking. That is the best. Kids are such a miracle and a blessing, keep up the hard work Deb...you can do it!


amanda said...

Newborns are so sweet...when they aren't mine. I love to smell them and give them back:)
I'm partial to the 9-18 month stage.
Anyway, congrats to your sis. She looks great.

and thanks for helping me out!!

Nicalee said...

It was grand sister time, wasn't it? Loved the food, LOVED the niece. That picture is adorable of Claire...nice shot you professional photographer YOU!

stephschmidt said...

Oooh, so sweet! I'll take one :) There's nothin like that new baby smell, is there? What a coincidence, I love eating out as well! Maybe we should venture out together one of these times... :)

the holmans said...

I love your blog it makes me wish my sister wasnt nutzo, (ask Nicalee she will fill you in).....

The tennis skirt... well I have to admit they are fun, its like being young again, kinda, she looks hot in her new 5 outfits!!! I am such a bad influence. Thank for visiting my blog. You are so gorgeous, how can 3 sister be so beutiful and so different?