
My Sweet Avis...

Avis, my sweet girl is 5!!! She had a good birthday, even with Daddy gone...he called that night from Alaska. She is in her jammies in these pictures, because as soon as she woke up she wanted to open her gifts! (Artfully wrapped in Christmas paper, I know) She loved her Barbie house with accessories and her purse, watch and other girly products. She is my girl, all girl and proud of it. I wanted to remember some of the reasons I think Avis is special and individual in our family. First of all it is peaceful to be around her...she seems to have the talent of making me feel calm and relaxed. She is so low maintenance, as a baby (I'm ashamed to say) I would forget she was there...she is so easy to live with, like her Daddy. She is so affectionate and never witholds or is elusive. She is a considerate sister, getting gifts for Bubs and Goob when on a shopping trip for herself with Grandma Mopsi! She even gets free samples for Goob, at Great Harvest, not wanting her to miss out on cookies while she is in school. She is a good friend to Brody, even though he repeatedly hits/kicks/scratches her. She is my buddy, always my shadow I love to have. I have pictures to illustrate some of the other reasons...

She is a Momma's Girl, (with boogs, sorry)
She was the most beautiful baby and toddler, here she is putting up with her sister annoying her and is still pleasant! Classic, Avis!
Hers was my favorite birth, so relaxed, with my sisters there. My Mom and Dad and Rob's Mom were there too, it was so much fun...a birthday party!

She can fall asleep anywhere, as shown in the next few pictures...there is even one of her in a camp chair with her plate of food on her lap, that I couldn't find...the child is a sleeping prodigy! She is so easy, when she is tired she tells me and goes and gets in bed!

She is beautiful, and has her Daddy's deep, heavenly, brown eyes. It is so wonderful to look at her when I am missing him, those eyes! They are my favorite, so gorgeous!
She really got the short end of the stick being smushed between two such outgoing and dynamic personalities, plus being so young when the little man was born. She has been so under appreciated, I'm sure, most of the time. This isn't really something that makes me love her, but the fact that she is so loving and individual in her talents and preferences, even though there are two beside her screaming what they want...that makes me remember that she is amazing. She doesn't make a big fuss, but she has a quiet determination to get what she needs!

Last, but not least...she is charasmatic and clever. I'm not sure why her eating meat like this relates, it was just so funny! Avis is a special girl and I hope I can always help her to see and feel that. If I could give her one thing, it would be, to see herself through my eyes. Or better yet, through Heavenly Father's eyes...just so that she can see her value. I love this girl, she is my little lady...my little mini, different sex, Daddy. Five years has gone by unbelievably fast. Avis as a baby is the only newborn I would willingly relive, just to kiss her soft cheeks and sing our sunshine song. She really is my sunshine! I love watching her grow! One more year down, many more to go...


Nicalee said...

what a sweet blog! here I am sitting at work at 2:45 in the morning hiding my tears from co-workers! you jerk, make me cry at work, how embarrassing! I love you too Avery, you little character.

Stewart Family said...

Kris, what a cute little tribute to Avery. I loved reading it, it felt like I got to know her a little better. She is a sweet little thing. I hope to see her again before her wedding. haaaaaaaa

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

Are you sure you didn't do the math wrong...? She can't be that old. She is too cute.

Laura said...

Oh man, I love all the pictures of her sleeping everywhere! Kids are so funny. :) She is such a cutie. I remember we met you guys for the first time when you were pregnant with her. Sheesh can't believe its already been five years! Thanks for sharing all the cute pictures!

stephschmidt said...

So so cute! Happy (late) Birthday sweet Avery! Looks like she had a good birthday! I love all the pictures, especially the sleeping one! I couldn't believe when Todd and I were over and she just decided to go to bed on her own! How did you train her to do that??!! And I LOVE the black and white one with her huge eyes - she's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Look at all those pictures of your babies! Were they ever that small?? Love them!!

amanda said...

That steak picture is so yucky. I love how kids can fall asleep anywhere, I wish I could. Happy Birthday to your little one.

JR said...

You guys have a cute family. Those pictures of Avery sleeping everywhere are a riot.