
My Baby is 7!

I can not believe how quickly this last seven years has gone. Gracie has been, and is such a great kid. She is friendly, creative, outgoing, fun, crazy at times, affectionate, considerate to a fault, and so beautiful! She is my buddy, I really enjoy the time I spend with her. I am so blessed to have her in our family. She had a great birthday on Saturday, first she made lipgloss with her friend Jess for a little while (Compliments of Grandma Mopsi and her lipgloss making gift!) and then we went for a bikeride on the rail trail (an awesome dirt/gravel trail here that runs from Park City to Coalville), then we went to lunch/icecream and to Kung Foo Panda.(funny, despite having Angelina Holina in it.) We took her cute friend Jessie with us, and they had all kinds of giggly girl fun:). Then, on Sunday (her actual birthday) we had all of the Watterson side and my parents to dinner to celebrate. It was nice, I am ever reminded how thankful I am for family. It is so wonderful to have them all here and be able to enjoy them, it gives me resolve to be able to live with them all someday after this life. Family rocks and so does my Goob. Love you, Gracie! Making lipgloss, soooo girly!

How much do you love Rob's mountain biking gloves? Seriously.

Lunch at a VERY fancy resturant, called Training Table! (yumm cheese fries)

Seeing her new bike, we had convinced her we didn't buy. (Because Bubba blabbed and we had to do some massive lying to keep the surprise intact!)

Riding the bike, in the house!


stephschmidt said...

How fun! Birthdays are the best!!

Nicalee said...

wish we could have been there, looks like lots of fun!