
Labor Day Camping, Kind of...

It is labor day tradition that my sister, Nicalee and I go camping. The tradition is that Nicalee goes camping and I drop in to say Hi in between doing other things. We are such flakes!!! This is the second year we have not come for the whole trip and this time it was so funny. We went up at 6 am on Sunday and came home around 7 pm on Sunday. It was a torrential downpour about an hour after we set up our tent! On Friday we watched the girls perform at the highschool football game I, of course, forgot my camera (please send my Mother of the year awards to my home and not to my Mother of the year headquarters), and on Saturday we went to chop down 20 thousand trees in the Uintas to get wood for the winter. It was crazy hard, but really nice, the mountains were beautiful! I have a disproportionate amount of pictures for the amount of time there! (12 hour "camping" trip) We hiked Donut Falls and played Pit and Apples to Apples, it was an all around good time...next year we will shoot for 52 hours.


Pearson Family said...

I love your hair cut! It is so cute! Fun camping trip...that is Chris' kind of camping...just the day!

stephschmidt said...

I see how you guys plan things... Only go camping on Sunday so there's no way you can make it to church... Apparently you've been talking to Todd! Sounds like you had a fun long weekend! I love your hair - so cute! Can't wait to see ya next week!

Nicalee said...

I love this entry, I was laughing my head off at your description of our "camping trip"...that's cute that you call it a "trip"...jk. I'm so glad we had the day for fun!

amanda said...

That is my kind of camping trip. I wish we would have done that for Payson. Camping with young kids is too crazy. Looks like you had fun!

Jill C said...

Your hair is so cute. It looks like you guys had fun, even if it was just for the day. I have just started to get into digital scrapbooking. I just download free stuff and mess with it in photoshop. It is addicting though, but lots of fun. We really want to come and see your new house sometime.

jillalicia said...

Your family is so beautiful! I realize now I hate camping. Matt and I are going to now rent a motel room for the night and meet up with friends in the morning. We are such losers, but at least we both agree on it.

Laura said...

Your hair is so hot! We haven't been camping once this summer I am so jealous!