
I AM a Princess, I AM!!

You Are Jasmine!
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Independent and adventurous. You don't want much; just to break out of the guilded cage society has put you in and experience life to the fullest. Following orders isn't really one of your strong points, and you would rather live a life of poverty than being forced into something that you hate.

Which Disney Princess Are You?


stephschmidt said...

Well I am not surprised at all that I'm Cinderella. Apparently I am...
Dignified and hard working. With a gentle and soft-spoken manner you have something many people don't. Patience. Even through the moments of heartbreak you're still able to hold onto all of your hopes and dreams. Bide your time; your dream will come true.
Todd will be thrilled to know that someday my dream will still some true :)

Anonymous said...

Um...I agree with the Jasmine assessment up til the point it says "you would rather live in poverty" than...anything else. I cannot get behind you on that one. It's crap!

amanda said...

You totally are Jasmine. I was surprised but apparently I am Mulan. Is she even a princess? What the heck.

Kristine Watterson said...

Steph, that is so perfect for you! I am so glad that someday your dreams will come true!

Kristine Watterson said...

Manda, Hello! Have you not seen Mulan? I know you have! She is my favorite! That is who I was hoping I would be, I want to know what it says...I'm gonna check your blog baby!

BS and the Kids said...

Yeah, I am so glad you found us!!! Your family is so beautiful and you always take such great pictures. It is fun to see what you have been up to, sounds like you have been busy!