
Typical, Hilarious, Avery!

Avery is obsessed, lately, with these rice krispy treats. She can't get enough of them...soooo, I put them on the highest shelf in our pantry, that can only be reached by myself standing on a step ladder. This is the scene yesterday...
Avery: "Mom, will you get me a rice krispy treat?" (for the third time in 6 hours.)
Me: "Yes, I will, but this is your last one today...okay?"
Avery: dejected, yet joyful "okay, will you get it now?"
I have put the step ladder in my closet and am too lazy to fetch it...I climb, precariously, on top of a file box to reach the needed treats. I end up kind of, tipping the treat out onto the floor and Avery exclaiming while she picks it up, says...
"Mom, It's a rice krispy miracle!"
I love that little girl, she is so funny!


FlashBack FriDay!!!

Rob is not here right now (he is away on a YM campout), so I have decided I love him!
I remember how strange our relationship was in high school, never wanting to be the one to say I care about us...always staying a little distant, but knowing that we were always completely enamored with each other....

Then, over time, we both saw that we really didn't want to lose one another and it just might matter...right before he left on a mission to Mexico, we had some pictures done. I remember both of us just cringing when she asked us to pose this way, looking at each other, because we thought it was soo shmarmy! Now this is one of my favorite pictures of us, young and clueless...but, in love.

After he was gone I realized how much I had come to depend on his friendship and affection, and I felt like there was a hole inside of me that could not be filled. I dated, but I always missed him. I never stopped thinking about him, or comparing every male I encountered to him and they always came out of it sadly lacking. Even hearing him say my name on Christmas (thank you Watterson's for generously allowing me to talk to him for a little while) made me feel more loved than I can even explain. He does something for me that no one does, I don't even know what it is...but, I definitely need him on a very basic level. Finally, he came home, not really liking me...but, I convinced him that he couldn't live without me!

That had to be the best day ever!!! I'm sure everyone's wedding day is the best, but mine was better! Now, 9 years and some change, later I feel like I got so much more than he got! He is the best, salt of the Earth, Christlike, man. He knew me in High School and he Still loves me. He has seen me pregnant, in pain, irritable, irrational, insane, anxiety ridden and too many others to list...and, he Still loves me. He smells so good that I just want to breathe his whole body in!! He is the most nurturing Father, so affectionate and involved. He is so emotionally present, always there for me and our family. He never hesitates when I ask him for a priesthood blessing. Now we are a little heavier, with a little less hair and elasticity to our skin...but, the great characteristics are even better and good memories remain.

Rob, I could never hope to be able to sufficiently express what you mean to me or how much I value you, but I will continue to try. You are my love. I love you body and spirit. I couldn't find happiness without your companionship and your babies to inspire it! Thank You.


4th of July

We had such a fun fourth of July, that is my favorite holiday! I love hanging out with family and just relaxing. We always run into Rob's friend from High School, Chris, every 4th. So, this year I took a picture of the four of us, because a little known fact is that Chris and my friend are the ones that set Rob and I up. (it was actually supposed to be Brent, but aren't we all going to say a prayer of thanks that it wasn't!!!) We had fun swimming at my parents house and then the fireworks (where we always see Chris and Holly) at Murray Park...4th of July can't be beat! Hopefully, all those that serve our country feel an extra boost of appreciation on this day...We are so blessed to be Americans! Go USA!


What do we do???

This is kind of a random post, but Robert came home from work and told me he had to play me a song...we don't get stations here, so I hadn't heard it and he had to get on Itunes to play it to me. It was called "I kissed a girl and I liked it." or something to that effect, and it was sung by a GIRL!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I feel total panic overtaking me, just writing about this! Then, on the 4th we were telling my family how crazy it was and my niece and my brother could sing it word for word...apparently it is the number one song, according to Rob's apprentice who is 18 years old. What do we do? I feel utter amazement. I know that the world is evil and this is the last days, but little LDS teenagers are hearing this junk every day, everywhere! How do I help the girls, in our ward, understand how damaging this is to their spirit? How do you convey that, when Satan is reinforcing every moment that it is no big deal and just a song? I have camp in three weeks and would love some ideas?? I feel such a responsibility to help these girls build a level of confidence where the "latest" things do not even appeal to them, but I didn't have that. How do I give it to them? I guess this just effects me so much, because it is so obviously evil and right in our homes, cars or ears! I am so thankful to not be a teenager now, today! What a time to live...so much evil and so much opportunity for good. Anyway, let me know if you have any good quotes, personal experiences I could use, or talks that apply to being above what is out there for these youth. Scary! Feel free to email me or post....kmwatterson@gmail.com.


FHE and One Codependent Cat

We had such a fun time "fishing" for crawdads at Strawberry Res.! I was just so happy that Robert planned a Family Home Evening, I wouldn't have cared if we were picking up garbage on the freeway! I have to say they (the crawdads) are the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. You put raw meat in a nylon on the end of a spin casting rod and wait. Not rocket science, that is for sure! I 'm not sure how anyone could eat one, but Rob boiled them and then did just that. That dude is nuts. I would post a picture of them, but my prego sister would puke, and I just can not handle that much guilt.
The cat is a new addition to our household, they are an essential thing here for moles and mice. She was free from the lady at the dairy, thank you dairy people, and her name is Carmel. She is closest thing to a dog, in a cat. Which is great, because I detest cats. She will be an outside cat, as soon as she is big enough, but she might be too codependent for that. I have never seen a cat that will follow you around and meow when no one is in the room, until someone comes to her. Crazy animal. Well, that is the latest on us this week...