
Weekend of Weddings!

This was the beginning of our Weekend of Weddings! Marc and Cassie were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on Thurs. morning, the ceremony was truly amazing, this man quoted Browning and Tennison (I don't know if I'm even smart enough to spell his name correctly!) Then there was a luncheon at Tucci's by Trolly Square, yummy. The reception was up at the U, at the commander's house, I hadn't ever heard of it, but it was so pretty. Gracie caught the bouquet, as you can see...she was so stoked. The men all wore Kilts, and got all kinds of comments about it! They looked so handsome, especially the biggest of them! Brody was mighty dapper, himself. These are just pics that Connie took, but we got some done the next day and I will post them soon.
Then we were off to Lodi, CA the next day for my cousin Ryan's wedding, it was beautiful too. The rehearsal dinner was at his parents (My uncle Mark's house) the night before (the green tablecloth pic) and it was super delicious food and the company was great because we had Nic and Dustin! The wedding was at 6:00 PM the next day, so of course we had IN and Out for lunch (we would not be dissuaded!), and it was at a vineyard. It was lovely, they are such a great couple. They are just so obviously meant for one another! The dinner was also at the vineyard following the ceremony, and it was once again delicious! We Lowe's love our food, obviously! Over all it was so much wedding for one weekend, but so fun. I love weddings, they make me feel insecure about the romance in my life, and hey, you can't get enough insecurity in my opinion! No, it was lovely and so fun to have a family filled weekend for both sides, and all in all I think I saw Rob more than I have, in two and half months, in one weekend! It was awesome, two thumbs up.
PS. I can't figure out how to make these pics separate, so oh well decipher for yourself...


Anonymous said...

Such fun pics! The girls and Brody look adorable. You can move pictures by dragging them with your mouse where you want them to go.

Steph said...

What a fun (and crazy) weekend! This is possibly my favorite thing I have ever read on a blog: "The men all wore Kilts, and got all kinds of comments about it! They looked so handsome, especially the biggest of them! Brody was mighty dapper, himself." You are hilarious! What a gorgeous family you are!

Anonymous said...

Your family is like the picture of cutest family in the whole wide world, cuter than any family ever that has ever been to a wedding on this big earth!! I love that picture of you guys at Mark's wedding, how adorable! Oh, by the way, THIS IS NICALEE USING DEBRA'S LOG ON