
Morning Glory

I thought that I would build the self esteem of all who might read this...
This is my laundry pile, my house is filthy and my kids went to bed (I didn't put them to bed, in my own defense) with dirty hands and feet and unbrushed teeth. I am the best homemaker of all time. Now, I will stop avoiding this by making this post!


Steph said...

WHATEVER - your house is not filthy unless something totally horrendous happened in like 3 days! I'm still not over how much cleaner/nicer/more organized/better smelling/better EVERYTHING your home is when you have 3x as many kids as me. I never claimed to be a homemaker type, but its kinda ridiculous! I say forget your laundry and lets go to lunch instead :)

Kristine Watterson said...

Steph, that is why I love having you as a friend! You build my self esteem, but that was three solid days of work you saw...and we all know that kids can undue anything you do in 1/4 the time. So, I was being completely honest! But, I haven't touched the laundry...not one piece! Oh well, that's what tomorrow is for. (and lunch, maybe I'll take your advice!)

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

That is the trouble with laundry, I can never get on top of it. In the few hours it takes to get it done, lots more things get dirty. I've never seen your house dirty so it does help my self-esteem a little.

Kristine Watterson said...

always here to help, Kalee!