
Hello, my friend, hello.

This is our spring of 2019 portrait. 
This is our fall of 2019 portrait.

Our current portrait would be in pajamas, braless, with zits on display. Life is surreal and full of varieties of COVID-19 information.
It is my son's 15th birthday and we are quarantined. Can you see that he grew inches between these portraits? Life seemed to be moving at a clipped pace before we were quarantined and now it is lasting a reeeeeeal long time. 
Life is not working out the way I had thought it would. I felt like I taught my children the right things in the right way and in the right times. I was so very wrong. I still have hope for my children and promises made to me by leaders that I trust in. I know they are each unique and will walk to the beats of their own drums. I wish the tempo was one that makes sense to me, alas tis not to be for now. I have been surprised at the pain I can feel for another person's choices. I guess I thought there would be safety in the retreat of my own life, mind, and choices. Teenagers have been about 1000 times harder than I anticipated. I love them  so  much, surely it will all work out.