
Team Player

 Gracie is a member of a basketball team that has been together for three years, now.  They have wonderful coaches that have taught these girls how to play as a team.  Gracie hasn't always played the same position, and likes some better than others.  But, she has learned a lot about the different roles you play on a team.  I took these pictures of her game a couple of weeks ago and learned my own lesson, with the help of my Heavenly Father, while I looked at them.
 Benjamin was diagnosed with a genetic chromosomal deletion that will require a lifetime of therapy, a lot of money, and many more doctor visits/testing.  I have allowed researching this condition, called 22q11 Deletion Syndrome, to take over my whole being!  I have a tendency to obsess, and boy have I ever.  This has been a huge adjustment for Rob and I.  Our marriage has been stretched and tried, a bit.  I have spent a night or two on the couch, because of my own frustration, and we have soldiered on.  We love each other, we are really great friends, and we have generally had an extremely easy time resolving any differences.  This has been a new kind of stress, and we are learning a lot.  
One, It is okay that Rob is not me.  This may seem reallllly obvious to you, but this concept has been a major struggle for me!  I have time to read, study, make appointments, and attend said appointments because Rob works hard providing for us.  He and I agreed together that it was important for me to be a full time Mother. I am truly thankful that I am able to be here for our children.
Two, he is doing his best in his position on our family team, and he has his own set of worries.  He is focused on how to pay for all of the therapies, tests, and materials required to help Ben develop.  He is worried about how Ben will be able to find an occupation that will allow him to provide for his own family, with his unique limitations.  I hadn't even thought of that!! I am so thankful for his special perspective.
Three, together we make the perfect team. I am playing my position and Rob is playing his, and that is how God intended it.  I am thankful for his honesty, his listening ear, and his patience.  Heaven knows he is going to need it. 
Gracie has shown herself to be a phenomenal team player and hopefully Robert and I can learn from her example. Life is long, there is so much to learn. I am so grateful for our team, it is my favorite.