
For the Hater married to my Sister...

 In March we went camping and fishing somewhere South, don't ask me where.
 There were goofy kids and beautiful sunsets
 Gracie did her wax museum at school and pulled in some serious cash, thanks to Grandma Mopsi and her extremely generous nature :)  They raise money to pay for art programs by doing this event every year...it is a riot.
 Brody turned seven and instantly became more annoying, seriously, he is killin' me.
 Easter came and went
 Gracie and Avery totally rocked their piano recital, all the old ladies were cuttin' a rug up in the chapel!
 Brody broke his arm, see?  Annoying! :)
 We took a trip to Cancun and had a night in Denver with our peeps, Jake and Em.  (Jake is Rob's little brother) Their new baby was just as adorable as a button.
 She thinks we should all rock on, good call baby.
 The trip was fun, we went to Chichen-whatever...I am posting this at midnight, cut me some slack.
 Ben does NOT care for sand. 
Rob and I enjoyed almost having alone time
And, Ben got to have some time with his very tan Grandma.  This trip was supposed to be with my Dad and Mom, we really missed him.  Cancun is really beautiful.
 We went to see Dad's spot for Memorial Day.  It is still surreal that he is gone.  It was crazy to see his name on a GRAVE!? What happened?  Life is so fragile.  I miss him every day.
 Swimming season has begun, so we are enjoying Grandma's pool and the sunshine.  This is up to May...more later.