
January and February

 The kids did the Canyons local deal for skiing and boarding again, this year, and LOVED it!  They always have the coolest instructors. It was a little more complicated this year to take a baby up on that open air tram, brrrrr!  He just fell asleep everytime, though. 
 My grandma moved here last April and it is fun to go see her and her super cool black outfit.  Seriously, I just want to look half that good when I am her age.  She's gotten herself all kinds of peeps at "the home" as she calls it...
 Nicalee gave birth to little Jane May and so we had to get pictures of Ben next to her, it is amazing how they grow in so short a time.
The kids are getting their fill of babies on the Lowe side!
 Deb also gave birth to a baby boy, Mr. Matthew Charles...so, once again we needed a shot of the two boys together.  Trouble is coming with these two, there is naughtiness on the horizon!
We went down to Cedar City and hung out for a couple of days.
 Matthew was so delicious and new and smelled so good...Deb's babies always smell so good :)
The kids had so much fun together.
 Rob and Tyler went and worked out and fixed a drawer, manly stuff.  Then that night we went out for Thai food, and it is my new favorite!!  Curry and Coconut Milk are delicious!
 Ben is loving the mirror for entertainment, while mommy puts on her make-up.  He is really an easy going little guy.
I know I'm not updating very much, but life is crazy.  I can't seem to get my feet under me again!