
My Mom makes fun of Me, Every chance She gets.

I hurt, I hurt, I hurt.
I do not believe my skin was meant to stretch this far.
Someone get this boy out of me.
Have a nice day.
P.S. I am scheduled to get induced the second week of SEPTEMBER.  Can you hear my crying?


Watterson Family Reunion

 Last weekend we traveled to beautiful Granby, Colorado.  We spent time with Steve's Cousins and their families.  There were a lot of people that are a lot of fun :)
 This was a pretty little hike with some seriously raging water!!
 The kids thought it was fun to jump off this rock...
 And I am just getting bigger and bigger...still have a couple months.
 I love these two, they had a lot of fun together.
 We went to a local Alpaca farm and learned about them.  The yarn that they sell is so expensive, but soooo soft and pretty.  It made me wish that I could knit.  I so can't.
 Brody and his buddy BuFaniel, as we call him...
 Avery and her partner in crime.  These two are constantly doing something naughty.
 On the way back we stopped at a park in Sulfur Springs, Colorado to make lunch.  This was our traveling party.  All the people that live in our "compound" in Wanship.  (Rob's brothers, Marc and Chad and families, our family, and Rob's parents and sister.  We also had Rob's other brother's daughter, Jessica)