
Gracie, Gracie, Gracie...

 I just went on Gracie's field trip with her, to This is The Place state park.  It was so fun to spend some time with her.  I enjoy her, one on one, so much.  I can't believe how quickly she is growing. She got to do this pioneer dance with one of her favorite boys :)
 We decided to imitate this statue, but I don't think we look much like Brigham Young and Joseph Smith...
 The girls also had their piano recital, it was awesome!  I am so proud of the progress they are making.
 Gracie also participated in a track and field day for school and discovered a hidden talent for the javelin!  The high school boys told her that if she didn't try out for track in high school they would hunt her down, she was pretty giggly about it...it was cute.


Fun for us all

 Brody and I went on his Kindergarten field trip to the zoo, I don't know how bus drivers do it!
And we watched Amy for Nicalee while she and Dustin FINALLY took a 5 year late honeymoon!  The kids had so, so much fun with her.  I snapped this picture because it was so picturesque, Gracie reading to her...I should also mention that my little devils laughed whenever Amy cried.  Perfection on blogs is wrong and I choose to fight it with reality!

His calling, Our calling :)

 Rob is so supportive of me whenever I stress about my callings, whatever they may be, until the point when he says in frustration..."Kris, it is going to be FINE, stop freaking out".  I had the privilege of returning the favor when Chad (Rob's brother and El Presidente of the YM) and Rob decided to do a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the Young Men.
 I am not trying to be super schmarmy about my spouse, but I think this whole thing was such a great example of the good in him.  He worked so hard, put so much thought and effort into it.  He asked me what I thought, frequently, which I love because then I feel like my thoughts have value to him.  He was a lot of fun that night...he usually is!  He took so much pride in the whole night and the young men...he bought his boys giant candy bars to reward them for their hard work.  He doesn't realize how special he makes me feel when he asked for my help with posters and flyers and other random stuff.  I love how he processes things and always does his best.  He is a good man.
They had a good turn out...yeah for the Young Men in Wanship!  A rock climbing they will go!