
Guess What?

September baby #3 here we come!

I've been a little busy, don't judge me.

December was a lot of fun, and very busy...Avery had a dance concert in Heber at the new high school.  I wish North Summit was a little more developed!  They did a really cute dance about hot chocolate (from Polar Express) with trays.
Gracie (and Avery) had programs at the school and seemed to have a good time.  Avery was very obedient singing all of the songs and concentrating and Gracie was laughing through hers and goofing off with her friends...she OBVIOUSLY is nothing like me.  She and her cute friends posed after the program for me.
We had a rousing game of Just Dance 2 on Christmas Eve at my parents.  Brody is REALLY intense when he dances.  He is NOT messing around folks!
We also went sledding with the Watterson family at Soldier Hollow on possibly the coldest day in the history of the world.  My right ear had to be reattached due to frostbite, I want to thank all of the dedicated ER doctors and nurses at the Park City hospital.
Rob's smile is actually frozen on.  (And, that is Avery facing the front, seriously all you can see are her eyes)
 My sister Nicalee and her 800 kids came, too.  We could not have picked a worse day, but it was sooo fun to have her there. 
 Christmas morning was awesome!!  I had to go to the bathroom and came out to this scene...Gracie reading in Luke about the birth of Jesus Christ.  I love my husband for initiating good things without me there.  This is the first year that Gracie read a lot on her own...it is, once again, awesome.  I love, love my kids more as the years go on.  Kids are way better than babies!
Look at that face, she was happy with her doll!
Pants are optional at our house...
Brody got this whole pirate set that took a lot of time to put together (2 ships, 2 islands, other small stuff), such a pain, but so worth it.  They have all loved playing with them.
Thank goodness for Daddys and their sweet putting together skills.
It was a great season!!