
A Little December

 The kids have gotten completely obsessed with a game called Cut the Rope...that is my phone, Rob's Ipod Touch, and my new Kindle Fire!  (All three have the cursed game on them)
 It was my birthday, that's where I got the Kindle (which is awesome) and Rob took me out to Red Rock for the most delicious dinner EVER.  Krissy loves her some food.  I am a big 34.
 Ben sat in his Bumbo for the first time, still a little floppy...but, so happy.  He is a horrible sleeper, but such a love...so happy.
 He was a little surprised that I let the kids build a fire by themselves...
I gave in to Rob's scrooge-ism and bought a fake tree at Costco.  I miss the smell, but not the constant vacumning!  It is a really pretty tree and looks fairly real.  I guess it will be okay :)


October in a Post!

 I enjoyed watching my sisters suffer, while I am merely sleep deprived :)
 We really enjoyed the annual pumpkin gala and made some seriously scary jack-o-lanterns!
 Or maybe they were just cute...
 Nope, that one was scary!
 Grandma did some baby loving, while we carved...
 And we posed for another family picture on my parent's front porch!
 We even brought Madi this year, which was fun.
 We also saw Rob's Paternal Grandma for her birthday and she was able to see Benjamin, it turned out to be a sweet experience.  Two who are so close to Heaven definitely connected on a level that we weren't a part of, it was really special.
 Rob's Maternal Grandfather passed away and we went to Bluebell for the funeral and out to Price for the internment.  This picture is special because this is the grave stone of the two uncles Robert Kelly is named for...Robert (who died of testicular cancer as a child) and Kelly (who died in a car accident as a teen).  They were Connie's only two brothers.  (She also has four sisters)  Rob has a picture of him in this very spot at Brody's age.  So, I now have a picture of Robert Kelly and his two boys, Robert Brody and Benjamin Kelly...in this spot. 
 The officers that officiated and did the salute were really great.  Taps is an instant tear creater. 
 I got to hang with one of my favorite guys, Rob's brother Jake...he is my buddy.  He and Marc are like my little brothers.  I love them, even though they are dorks.
 Kids can play anywhere at any time, even a funeral!
 Rob and his Dad shot elk...
 I know you love seeing those tongues hang out, my sisters will.  Does it remind you of me as a kid, trying to avoid you?  I used to pretend I was dead, by sticking out my tongue :)
 Ben and I (a milkmaid and her cow, funny to you if you've ever nursed) got to walk in the kids elementary school parade...
 Avery and her teacher...she is great.
 Brody as THOR...he was sooo manly!
 Rob unexpectedly came home from hunting to see the parade, so awesome of him...we walked with Gracie's class.  This is her last year in elementary, crazy!  Middle School is 5th - 8th here.
 Gracie and her friend being silly...
 Grace and her teacher, I love love love her!!
 Brody has been enjoying his brother...
 There was also the trunk or treat fun...the kids had a riot.  Brody asked me today if he could marry this little girl, her name is Emma.  They are such cute little friends, they hold hands at recess...tee hee hee.  But, Brody gets extremely disgusted when I ask if she is his girlfriend...there is eye rolling and looks of disdain followed by a NO WAY Mom!
 They are the best, I love my kids.  (Easier to write now that they are sleeping :)
 Mommies favorite is this babies naked bum!
 Cold weather and fleece blankets, jammies, and hot chocolate.
 I love these relaxed times, snuggling together...
and enjoying our time together.  Life is good.  We are so thankful for our family.  It is all worth it!!  No one told me that marriage, family, and children would be so much work, but I couldn't have understood the type of joy I get from seeing my children do and say cute things and those moments when Rob and I connect so well that no one else matters.  It is hard work, but it is good to have some clarity and remember how worth it all the effort is!  October was ggggreat!  (as Tony the tiger would say )


She's Official!!

 It was such a hectic but wonderful day on Saturday...
 Miss Avery May was baptized...
 And, three week old Benjamin was blessed!
 Rob's parents...
 And mine, with my biker Grandma (it's the vest)
 Four Generations of Ladies...
 The two kids in their whites, so beautiful
 We are so thankful for the new little man in our home
 The more time that passes, the more Rob and I settle in and embrace this life and family.  It is so worth it.  (unless I am going on no sleep...then my gratitude may fail me, but that is what sisters are for, they remind me...thank you my Bitties!!)
I never know what to write when we have these wonderful and sacred, spiritual days.  It was really marvelous and it felt like a little bit of heaven to enjoy.  Rob said that when he was confirming Avery and giving Ben his name and blessing, that he felt like Heavenly Father let him feel just how much they are loved by him.  I wish that we could feel that love 24/7.  I wish that our children could feel that love constantly.  There really would not be any greater joy, in this life, than to see them love the gospel of Jesus Christ and see how Heavenly Father's plan of salvation is what it is all about.  That would be awesome.


 We are doing a lot of smiling...
 Some highly annoyed crying...
And very little, but sweet, sleeping!!
Newborns are so yummy and tiring.  He is so lucky I love him!


Another Birthday Girl!!

 Avery's Birthday was the day after we came home, so it was up to Daddy to take her for her pedicure...
 and cousins were present for presents, of course...she had a fun day, our tender hearted girl.


Ta Dah!

 We now have Mr. Benjamin Kelly Watterson in our home!
 And Mr. Robert Brody Watterson is so glad, because...as he frequently states, He is just sooo sick of girls!