
Rare Times

Rob just got a little 50, 4 stroke motorcycle for the kids to ride in the pasture and they have had a lot of fun. It is crazy to watch! Brody is five! (Rob totally guffawed me and told me that kids are racing those things at three:) (The guy at work who didn't want it anymore has had his son riding it for over four years and the kid is 8 or 9)
To me it seems pretty adventurous, but I guess I am getting old and boring!

This is Brody...Rob won't let him out of 1st gear and for that I am thankful, B has noooo limits and or fear. (or common sense for one's safety, I know it's a minor thing)

Avery, of course, has NO desire to try the motorcycle and has JUST started to ride the four wheeler she got for Christmas THREE years ago. P.S. She totally posed for this picture while she was driving. Classic.

Was there any ever doubt that Gracie would drive that thing in the top gear at full throttle? Nope! She is also personal safety challenged. We are taking bets for who will break a limb first, she or B.

These are good times. I love my kids, they are a lot of fun.


Snow, snow, snow

Conference was awesome, it was my favorite session EVER. We also really enjoyed to snow, inbetween sessions! This snowman was taller than Rob (who is 6'4")!!



Daddy's home and we're pretty happy.

The proof's in the puddin', he he he. I'm pretty sure I'm the only human alive that thinks I'm funny, but whatev.

It's still snowing, so these are going to have to stay for a little longer. I'm so ready to be done with school and snow!

The positive...that we can still have a fire and enjoy a good book and a little herbal tea :)

My parents just returned from Jerusalem and Egypt and brought Rob some sweet head gear. He's going to wear it, on the tenth of never.

The kids were excited for him to come home all day. I know I have a lot more of this to come, but we really enjoy the anticipation of Daddy.

Gracie's little BFF got into the "let's make ourselves funny with pudding" act, too. It was a good day. (Of course, while I was being fun relaxed mom, I was silently adding up all the pudding drops to be cleaned and gritting my teeth in annoyance...but, I hope I fooled em')