
So, my sisters always say that Rob is my own personal Valium (pictured above, compliments of Google). I have to agree. He makes me feel calm, like I can handle anything...even being a mother :) And, he is now working out of town, Monday - Friday for the next 11 months, or so. He says he will work 4 tens and come home Thurs. night, but come on honey...I know better. His job will end up getting tight, like every other one and he will be gone more than he anticipates.
I'm getting off the subject.
So, being the emotional lightweight that I am, I have been periodically sobbing for months. Today he left for his first week there, in Pocatello. I didn't even shed a tear, until Deb asked me if I was okay.
Then through the day I felt a little tension building up and I kept having to pause and take a deep breath and try to wipe the look of annoyance off of my face, before I responded to the many requests of my children. I admit that I am not good at keeping perspective and living in the moment, I really have to use serious control to be that way.
Around seven, with the kids in jammies, we skype'd with daddy. He looked tired, but It was so great to see his face and hear his voice. The kids were screaming and running around, only Gracie took the opportunity to tell him about her day and show him her drawings of the many dead animals on our family room wall. He was able to tell me about the cruddy hotel room and the issues with the job. I love skype!
I must need to learn to live without that man, because it seems like the predominant trial in my life. I know that I'm a sissy and that many pioneer women lived without their husbands for years at a time to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ; I am so thankful for their sacrafice...but, there is a reason I wasn't born then and expected to do that. I absolutely could not handle that. I know my limitations and that is where the line in the sand is!
I love that man, he is the best friend I have ever had. I am so thankful that I will learn to appreciate him more. What else can I do, but strive to be happy in the present and not wish this year away, right?