
We went 4-wheeling with Rob on Saturday to do security on some property he hunts. It rained a little, but it was very fun. It is so good for the kids to do outdoorsy things. I always am struck by that, everytime. Rob's dad Steve and Madi came, too.
P.S. That chainsaw strapped to the front of the 4-wheeler, I am on, is my new/girlier version. For the record, I have used it once for three hours straight and did not cause any harm to either of my thighs! (or anything else) Redeemed? Definitely!


The Day Of

Gracie and her namesake, Granny with the pool :)


Nobody's Business

Kids are delicious at bedtime, maybe because I'm about to get alone time. I think I love them more when they are going to bed! Avery said to me, tonight, "Mom, I love you like nobody's business". I love her like a fat kid loves cake.


We are officially old now

Grace has been baptized! It was such a hectic/amazing day. We hosted a dinner for family and friends at our home following the baptism. (We had to move all of our family room furniture out and set up 3 long tables with 35 chairs, hence the hectic) I rented some beautiful decorations ,and ties for the chairs, from a neighbor that rents wedding decorations. It was so lovely and hopefully a day Goob will remember because I did not take one single picture of the house all dolled up. I am sooooo mad at myself! I did get some portraits done by our talented friend Ashley Richins. She also did these pictures of Grace a week before and I love them. I love other people's talents!!!


This Week

This week, this week, this week...all I can do is shake my head in resignation. I have chosen to make my life busier than in times past and I am feeling it now. Life is in full swing with this gal. Avery never stops talking and I'm not sure if I am annoyed or amused, but I'm gonna figure it out soon. Anyhoo, I am sorry to be a bad blogger but, school/kids/work/church callings/wifely duties/Gracie's baptism/my disgusting house/mounds of laundry/exams/dishes and sleep trump blog :)
Back soon...