
We fixed up a hand me down bike for Avis and she was willing to try for a total of thirty seconds...NO interest in learning!
Brody is another story! Look at this boy go... That helmet has got to weigh at least ten pounds! (He started biking by himself in May, but he just got himself a brand new Pokemon bike compliments of a sweet find by my bud Amber at a garage sale :)


So, we went camping with the Lowe clan for Labor day on Mom and Dad's dime and we were thankful for it! Even though they never spent a full night there! We watched them put up their tent and then take it down the next morning! We loved being together, rock climbing, playing Uno, and sitting by the fire. Camping is a super fun way to spend time with the family!
After the kids climbed it was the adults turn and I was first...Rob, don't drop me!
Rob holding me down while I let Dustin down.
Nic, workin it.
Me, letting Rob down. Do you see that I am tied to a tree? It was a good thing, too! I like him, don't wanna kill him.
Look at Rob's calves, it is such hard/fun work to climb! We are loving this new hobby, cause we all know we need more hobbies.
Nicalee did it without any help from Dustin, not that it stopped him from trying! Poor man to have such an amazing wife, she is two months out from having a baby...seriously, I want to be her when I grow up.
Nic and Dustin and their brood, minus Lauren and Ivy who were at a sleepover.
Brody gave up pretty fast! I think it must look daunting to a four year old, but we'll get him into it yet!
Avery, about ready to say "Let me down, Mom".
Gracie putting her shoe back on, mid climb, that Daddy threw to her. (It had fallen to the ground, she was a good thirty feet up)
Rock climbing was a blast, what an awesome spot Rob's book and Rob found us!

We enjoyed making the buddha baby smile :)
Rob was a...
The girls custom made a squirrel trap and almost caught many a critter!
We roasted mellows, made smores, and camp fire elairs
We hiked Donut Falls, like always.
We really enjoyed the time with our family, Thanks for making it possible Mom and Dad, we love you!


Happy Birthday to my very first baby! She is the big 8 and so stoked to be there! Daddy took her to breakfast in the morning on his bike and then we spent all day cutting up trees and loading the logs on trailers to prepare for winter. She was such a good sport about having such a utilitarian Birthday. After we came home and showered the real fun began...we went to Cafe Rio for dinner, her favorite. When the hot sauce wore off we went to Coldstone and purchased a delicious cookie dough icecream cake, yum!! She also was turned loose in TJ Maxx (we live close to NOTHING, so pickins are slim) and found herself some cool artsy stuff and a couple of cute shirts. She had a happy day and seemed to love every second of being the Birthday Girl! (I must have heard "because it's my birthday" a hundred times)
Gracie, of course, had to have Madison with us :) and Connie and Steve had shredded a tire on the trailer and were occupied with that.

Brody is off to his second year of Pre-School and his first at the elementary. A nice mini-van comes and picks his up and he comes home with Avis and the kindergarteners. I'm sure he is pickin' up the older chicks on the bus, that would be his style... He had a lot of fun at his first day and said "My favorite part was playing with the cars when I didn't have to do school". That's my boy! This morning he was singing me a song about his superhero as he went to find him. He is just as non-boring as can be.

Avery is officially a kindergartener! It was especially heart wrenching to watch that little girl get on the big and crowded bus. Can they all see her tender little heart? Will they be gentle with her? I felt the same way when Gracie started kindergarten. No one will ever feel about my children the way I do, no one will ever see just how unique and talented they are. I'm sure all mothers could let out a collective cry of "say it sista"! THAT is what dominates my prayers and thoughts. (Along with eight hundred forgive me Lords...) She came home so happy that I couldn't worry one second more...almost.

My Gracie is getting soooo old, she started 2nd grade and has had a Birthday (8)! I know it is cliche, but I can not believe how time flies. I find myself going to the scrapbooks of her delicious, toddler, chubby cheeks and missing her a little. This is so fun, though. She is a party, never boring my Gracie! These pictures are all her first day of school.
Madison (Rob's little sister) joined us waiting for the bus.

Her welcome home signs, made by Avery, Brody and yours truly :)