
Goodbye Free Time, We'll Miss Your Loveliness

Last week, my friend Amber and I, took our brood out on a bike trail in Park City and to the Farmer's Market. It was so fun.
Yesterday we took our kids to the Zoo, barring the tantrums and occasional complaining, it was fun. That zoo has gotten so much nicer and I get so excited on that carosel!
This is an illustration of one of Brody's tantrums and my take on it, just laughing...while he hits and kicks me. I love boys.
A rare moment of sisterly togetherness.
Every year I have mini nervous breakdown, sending them to school. I worry, worry, worry. Despite that, every year they have oodles of fun, grow and make new friends that they love. I'm not sure why I'm not able to remember that until Rob says it, while rolling his eyes :). He puts up with so much emotional duress, poor man. He gives me such stability. Anywho, it is back to school for them and a little tinge of lonliness for mommy.

Should I wonder?

Is that Batman's love child with the princesses in Avery's room? Hussies.


Secret notes on the mirror...reasons that Gracie is "da beest".


We had our first try, as a family, at a real rock wall. It was hard! We went up Echo Canyon and tried to find the "Date Wall", but ended up finding a 5/13 climb = way to hard for me :). When we did find the Date Wall it was dark, so it will be saved for another FHE. It was fun, the kids were freaked out and hardly participated at all, but we made up for it with ice cream and chocolate donuts. Brody will only have chocolate donuts after climbing!
Another minor note is that they had more fun freaking themselves out over the possibility of a rattlesnake encounter!

Rob repelling down, after setting the rope...scary stuff!

Avery drew this picture of the hill behind her! P.S. She started crying when she told me how bored she was!

They may have hated it, but they are good at faking happy for my cameraphone! Happy Week to all!