
Avery asked me to take this picture! Love it.

We went out to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Point. The flowers and gardens were really beautiful and we had fun. I forced Gracie to wear her baptism dress and tried to get some nice pictures of her with the flowers, I'm not sure how I feel about the pictures. Anyway, it was fun, I highly recommend it.


On Saturday, when we came home from Logan, the Watterson Annual Easter Egg hunt ensued.
The kids always have so much fun looking for eggs.

Easter morning the kids awoke to bounty from the Easter Bunny. They are such chocolate fiends, it was a dream come true :)

The kids in their Easter Garb for Church. Brody recieved a fabulous, new tie and I made the girls dresses from material they picked out. They were the first dresses I've ever made, so don't look too close they aren't done very well. I feel all prepped to make my trek dresses, though.
After Church we died Easter Eggs.

Daddy showed the young'uns how to write stuff on their eggs, like Daddy's the Coolest and other mildly inflammatory statements.


Lovely Logan

Our Anniversary was so great! Thanks to Nic and my Mom who watched our kids and do so much for us.
We went to dinner at the Market Street Grill and, as always, it was delicious...especially the creme brulee. Then we drove up to Logan and checked into the Anniversary Inn. We went to Kauai on our honeymoon 10 years ago, so we checked into the Hawaii Paradise room! The room is super cheesy, but we had a lot of fun together!

The best part was making fun of the room!
We watched "So I married an ax murderer" and were laughing at Mike Meyer using the bath tub sprayer as a phone...to explain why we even took this picture!
Rob came up with this pose all by himself!
This is my face when Rob says..."Make a sexy face", seriously my thumbs look disjointed!
We always write in the guest book, well Rob does. So, if you venture the the Jesse James Hideout room or the Hawaii Paradise room, read them!
After all that goofin' off....
We went and did a session at the Logan temple. It is a little known fact that Rob's great grandfather and two of my great grandfathers worked on the Logan Temple's construction in the late 19th century. We like to think they all knew eachother. (My great grandfather's did infact know eachother and even protected eachother's families when the church members were being arrested.)
My paternal grandparents used to go to this restaurant all the time and it is now our tradition, too. Rob and I always get lunch here the day after! They have delicious breaded mushrooms and icecream. (Not together, mind you!)
We are so thankful for these rare times alone to remember how much we enjoy eachother!


Brody's 4th Anniversary of Life

I am amazed at the speed of time. Brody is four years old and it seems like we just found out we were having a boy. We were so happy to have a boy to go with our girls. He was such a good baby. He had to be! He was a little ball of love!
He has had made life entertaining, from the beginning, with his personality and his multiple medical procedures! From fevers and stays at Primary's as a newborn, to tubes in his ears at four months, to a graft on one of his burned hands at ten months. The Watterson Family would be downright boring without the Bubs.

There have been very distinctive times when my kids have shown their growing independence and it has been painfully awakening for me. Brody's was yesterday. He asked me to open the garage, I did. He then rode his bike up our driveway and down Grandma's driveway to go play with his cousins. The simple act of riding his bike over there to play was more than I am used to. It was bittersweet to watch. I am happy that he is motivated to take care of his own boredom and sad that it wasn't to cuddle with me. He is a special boy and will be a special man. I just hope the time moves a little slower.

10 Years together...

On Thursday Rob and I had our ten year anniversary. We were talking last night and decided words really can't express it anymore. I love you does not seem sufficient when you share your life with someone. I have done a post before chronicalling our courtship, here.
I thought that I would list the ten of the things I learned about Rob after we were married. (We knew/dated eachother for five years before...if you include his mission:)
1. He is easy to live with.
2. He is FUN to live with!
3. He takes up the whole bed when he is really tired and periodically elbows me in the face.
4. He is a putterer....always has a project around the house, incapable of sitting still.
5. He would do anything to help anyone.
6. He is extremely even emotionally, not a lot upsets him.
7. He could spend all day in the bathroom, long shower, etc...
8. He is meticulously clean with his personal hygiene and ALWAYS smells delicious!
9. He gets irritable when the house gets messy.
10. He is an incredible Father.
The world feels so much more bearable when I am with Rob. Our relationship is not perfect, but he makes my life better. I am so thankful to be his wife.

Do I have to have a title everytime?

After a fabulous 12 hour drive with six kids, we arrived at Granny's! The kids promptly put on their suits and expended some of their "weegles" by jumping in the freezing pool and the bubble filled hot tub. Granny is an amazingly patient woman, that is all I can say.

The next day we went for a walk up around the canal and the barn, stopping to hunt and capture poor innocent, mating toads. I will spare you the picture I took that has fluids and everything, but those suckers do not let go for anything. The commandment to multiply and replenish is taken very seriously in Lodi, California by the tenacious toads! These walks were nice, the smell there can not be duplicated (I don't mean the horse manure smell).
Day three was Sunday, and we went to Church with Granny. The kids had fun being the visitors in Primary and Nic and I loved the lesson on missionary work. It was super inspiring, I wish I could say I've already given out twenty Book of Mormon's! We went to dinner at Mark and Vicki's that night, but I don't have any pics and Nicalee is way to lazy to send them to me...LOL, she has had an absess in her jaw this week and been in so much pain, which for Nicalee (the queen of pain tolerance) says a lot.
Day Four was Brody's 4th Birthday! We had a little chocolate muffin with candles and opened presents. (Granny is so generous to share her beloved chocolate muffins :) Then we left for
San Francisco. We drove to a BART station and took the train into San Fran.

On the train...
Then we took the ferry out to Alcatraz and went on a tour there...the kids loved it, and I kinda wanted to leave Brody there. In my opinion a little prison might be good for him :)

This sign NEEDS to be in my house, with love and charity added to the list! I love, love, love this!
After Alcatraz, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe at Pier 39...yummy food for all!

They brought Brody and my nephew Sam icecream with a candle and sang Happy Birthday, it was so nice to see his happy little expression. I love that Bubba.

We took a cab back to the BART station and the kids loved it. I think they liked the cab, ferry and trolley car best!
Day five was a lounge around day, Day six we left...We had so much fun! Thank you for hosting us and diligently watching the kids outside, Granny. We love you!