
Talk about true!

I saw this on someone elses blog, and it was so funny I had to put it on here! Do you think this is as funny as I do?


Awesome Video...

Be sure to hit pause on the music, before you watch this...and, some of the videos that come up after are anti. This video is really great.


I AM a Princess, I AM!!

You Are Jasmine!
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Independent and adventurous. You don't want much; just to break out of the guilded cage society has put you in and experience life to the fullest. Following orders isn't really one of your strong points, and you would rather live a life of poverty than being forced into something that you hate.

Which Disney Princess Are You?


This is what I love most about being a mom! My kids are hilarious and they make me laugh so often, I am so thankful for their fun personalities. It would be so much harder to enjoy life without moments like this, where they come to me and say "Look at my huge butt, Mom!". Seriously, I adore these brats.


Girl's Camp!

Another year of the coolest calling of all time, camp director and a fun stake camp. I love that the stake does the camps here, I don't even pick out the menu, it makes it very simple for me. We had a fun skit with friends that are like conjoined twins! It was so funny, in the picture they are being tempted to smoke by Shaniqua! I was the announcer, that is the other picture on the stage...The kiss mark is from McCall, my fav young woman! We played the funnest game of all time with a huge piece of spandex. You have four people and two by two you run to the right of eachother...so, you literally get flung across! It is wicked fun! It was such a great year, so full of fun and great experiences feeling the promptings of the Holy Ghost! It was awesome!! I highly recommend it to all!