
For our Memorial Day we went to Cabelas, when Rob got home from work...The kids were totally fascinated with the albino catfish! It was so funny to watch the fish being fed, with other fish. I thought the kids would freak out, but they loved it. Nothing is better than time with Daddy. The best part was right after the fish eat the goldfish their little shiny scales come out of the gills! Little glistening scales everywhere, I have never seen anything so lovely! ha ha ha


Robert is 31!!!

The kids all had fun singing to Daddy and giving him his cologne and socks! Ahh to be a kid again and not have Birthdays be so anti climactic! We had a fun dinner together, I love family time. I love that man. Happy Birthday, Rob!


Morning Glory

I thought that I would build the self esteem of all who might read this...
This is my laundry pile, my house is filthy and my kids went to bed (I didn't put them to bed, in my own defense) with dirty hands and feet and unbrushed teeth. I am the best homemaker of all time. Now, I will stop avoiding this by making this post!